Looking back on year 2012.

Monday, December 31, 2012 - Posted by Knz  at 11:10 PM
Today is the last day of year 2012, so I would like to look back on my personal life from multiple perspectives.


my son became 2 years old the other day, and our marriage became 3 years long. It has been not so easy to manage my family without seeing any trouble, rather I and my wife had some conflicts that occurs not only for significant matters but also trivial things... but the difference from the past conflicts are that my wife came back in a short time even if she went back to her home or just stay in the mansion we lived, reconciling what she thought... so our trust got stronger than before and then we became respectful for the other's opinion and thought.

Regarding my son, he started to learn several words and day after day his words has increased. It's just very interesting to see his language acquisition, while I have been amazed by his aggressive attitude against physical play like sliding from the top of slider, clinging from an iron bar and riding his tricycle very fast... My wife has claimed that my engagement for child raising hasn't been satisfactory then I need to take care of him more and more... I've attempted to do things like reading a child book for him, playing a kind of soccer at the park with him, talking him for a walk or carrying him by a baby car... It is true that it's priceless when he smiles at me for what I do for him.


it became tougher and tougher, while how much and where I can contribute became larger and broader if I compared current capacity with the one one year ago. Also working with external people like consultants commercial banks increased and exchanging business cards became more often. As my pervious job didn't expect such relationship until the one takes managerial role, it's very interesting for me and feels me larger and broader responsibility than the previous one. In addition, leading some people as a team leader role was very instructive and let me remind myself of managing several people wasn't easy and learn that it's important to know each individual speciality and what kind of approach he/she likes. Without considering such points, it's very difficult to complete the required tasks within the required
period of time. Moreover, it's very important for a leader to focus on the most important task that nobody else can do. Instead, for other less important things, a leader has to let team members do themselves.

Finally, regarding the club activity, I host bi-monthly event and recognized that it depends on each individual's priority if they come to each event. Even saying something nice to the event organizer, someone's priority will turn out to be true or not when he/she shows up. time is limited and prioritizing the things depend on everyone's different priorities. If your invitation to the event can't gather people, then it is time to think over if the demand for events really exist. It not, then focus on the events that you really want to. if such focus can't attract people, then consider selecting a new organizer or just ending it. Such courageous decision can alarm someone who really takes care of. If you can find him/her, just ask him/her help...that's what I learned from my own recent experience...


reading books, watching movies and listening&creating music were all shaded out... I would like to increase opportunity to try them next year... otherwise my sensitivity for such pleasure will go away...
I do want to find amazing stuffs and express my feeling in the music or some other forms of arts...

But just one thing I am proud of is that I could listen to the actual acoustic violin sound by Akiko Suwanai this year. Listening to the authentic music would be my hope next year too.

Thank you for your support this year and hope that we can meet again soon...


Sunday, December 23, 2012 - Posted by Knz  at 11:09 AM



kindle paper white到着。

Posted by Knz  at 1:30 AM
kindle paper white到着。

使用感はI phoneに慣れてるとスクロール、拡大がかなりしづらいが、目に優しいのと、電池の持ちがいいのがI phoneよりもいい点か。I pad持ってないから自分にとっては画面がでかいのがいい。出来ればkindleでもthe economistが購読できたら、と思う。白黒だとチャートが見せ辛いからkindleだと無いのかな。それか、Amazonにロイヤルティー払うのが嫌だからかな。

使ってみた感じ、米国のアカウントでサンプルをいくつかダウンロードして読んでいたけど、かなりいい。画面の大きさと目への優しさ、電池の持ちの良さがあって、読んでるときのストレスがあまり無い。ただ、mckinseyのレポートをpdfで読んでいたら前述のように拡大、縮小がI phoneほど操作性が良く無く、かなりストレスを感じた。あくまで、kindleで買ったものにしか使えなそうな点はかなりマイナス…やっぱappleの技術力はすごいね…I pad欲しくなるわ…


Friday, December 21, 2012 - Posted by Knz  at 11:49 PM












Sunday, December 9, 2012 - Posted by Knz  at 10:18 PM

as written in the previous entries, my recent favorite is yasuyo iga-san,
who had been in mckinsey as a recruiting manager for a long time...

the thing that i learned from this book is that the power of each team is
attributed to how many leaders in the team. I fully agree with her opinion,
and it's a kind of breakthrough conception to me..., as referring to how
fast the things are going on depends on how many leaders are assigned to
the task.. since last year, i've engaged in the larger project, which covers
so many divisions and subsidiaries until its completion, then i've seen
many scenes that things were stuck because of lack of leadership in those
situations... we, corporate planning team, have a certain leadership individually,
however, people in the other divisions usually don't have such nature, even
their managers... in that situation, we, corp. planning team, identify the points
that make the things stuck and facilitate the discussion between the multiple
divisions, and settle the issues one by one.... referring to such a real organizational
behavior situation, i really think that without a certain numbers of leaders
in each organization, who can break through the difficult situation and proceed
the steps, things won't be finely going on.... many people see that people from
strategic consulting firms go to corp.planning divisions as a post-consultant job,
but i think that settling the issues one by one, cooperating the related people
from different divisions, who have different responsibilities and goals, is quite
different from what strategic consultants experience....i know some people from
strategic consulting firms, but they are not always adjusted well to the  real
business world... and i'm not so convinced whether post-mba careers  are
different from what non-mba careers go through..... moreover, i don't feel
any inferiority to mba holders at not only the previous company but also
the current company.... so now i doubt if i really need an mba, sacrificing
the time with my wife and my son, in addition to giving so many chances to
my son to touch and feel many things on weekends....

so, i have decided that the next time gmat would be the last time to take...
whether the score is good or not... if the score doesn't reach the sufficient
score, i will say good bye to a mba application process.....



Posted by Knz  at 3:13 PM






Saturday, December 1, 2012 - Posted by Knz  at 11:55 PM
新聞を読んでいて、日立と重工など、電機業界の統合、NEC, Sony, panaのリストラなど、相当、大企業もマジで気合入れて日本としての競争力を高めようとする動きが出てきた、と思う。。リストラして競争力を高めるとはいかなる事か、とリストラされた側の論理として思うのかもしれないですが、家計の財務状況が安定管理され、無駄な固定費がなければ(身の丈にあった支出で抑えららていれば)、うろたえず次を探せばいいだけだ。






