i-phone 5 with Bluetooth for connecting the av equipment...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - Posted by Knz  at 11:41 PM
victor wood coneのI pod dock月モデルを
やはりair play likeな機能が欲しくなり、



これで晴れて椅子でくつろぎながらI phoneの



Posted by Knz  at 12:00 AM

先日書いた藤巻メソッドなる、藤巻氏の著書を読み、聴き、弾き、と繰り返す。特に平日は往復の電車内で睡眠学習… リアルに寝てるときもあるけど、そんな体たらくでも耳から入れる効果は大きく、数度レッスンを聞いて、不明点をテキストに返り、ふむふむ、と読んで不明点を潰していき、どうしてもよーわからんところはとりあえず飛ばしておき、前にとにかく進むのである。









chihiro yananaka's live.

Saturday, July 27, 2013 - Posted by Knz  at 10:47 AM
I just bought a live ticket of chihiro yamanaka, the best jazz pianist for me...

As I saw not a quite professional jazz performance yesterday, I thought that the professional's one will surpass the experience I went through yesterday... 

for me, chihiro yamanaka's performance looks very sensitive but sometimes very aggressive though her recent performance seems more calm and conservative than that of several years ago... 

Since having seen akiko suwanai's performance a few years ago, I can't stay at home without seeing the genuine performance.... these days, I have watched chihiro yamanaka's performance on tv playing dvd, and I have listened to the finest performance by other players, I noticed that for me chihiro's one is the best of the best...

the quality of education through classical music at toho and jazz at barcley, on top of her adultery atmosphere get together to express the well-combined taste....

look forward to going there....

best regards,


roppongi jazz night.

Friday, July 26, 2013 - Posted by Knz  at 11:45 PM

tonight I went to the bar in roppongi to enjoy a jazz live  at one of the famous jazz bar, where Naoko Terai and other familiar guys perform from time time to time. I learnt lots of new jazz songs sung by beautiful singers,  while I could recognize some of the famous songs, not a quite jazz but as a pops, very familiar to ordinary people, such as the jazz arraignment of "Human nature " by Michael Jackson.

Though I was invited by the senior colleague at the same company and he actually introduced to us one of the singers featured at today's live,  I was absorbed in another singer, called Aki Kitagwa. She wore a graceful dress today colored with purple tonight and looked very nice, on top of her really inspiring, impressive signing... I didn't expect any wonderful talent there unfortunately, as it was my first time to see the live jazz just in front of myself, but actually I bumped into the one that seems one of the most passionate jazz. I was fulfilled with it that I could be there tonight, listening to her soulful songs and feeling sensitive but cool, deep, adult-oriented jazz... 

The best thing I could be there was that with only about 7,000 yen, drinking and food were included with 3.5 rating out of 5.0 by Tabelog, the famous taking web service,  in addition, we could enjoy added-on live performance after the original program ended... 
I didn't know such an unexpected benefit had waited us, but actually held... so if you have a chance to go to a jazz live, you might stay there until the unexpected program shows up.

Anyway, not only the life performance there was fascinating, but also the conversations with my colleagues were also good and let me recognize that there were many people that don't show their another aspect in their private lives, which got my interest in them deeper than before I go to the live. Such a off-time communication brings me better understating on my colleagues which will definitely contribute to my day to day life from now onwards...

Hope that I would be able to have a chance to visit a jazz bar someday again.

best regards, 



Tuesday, July 23, 2013 - Posted by Knz  at 12:17 AM















Monday, July 22, 2013 - Posted by Knz  at 12:56 AM








The art of getting by...

Posted by Knz  at 12:36 AM
it was a really good movie!


The movie described very well how teenagers deal with their honest feeling for someone he/she loves...

The talented boy doesn't  know the way to express his feeling for the girl that he really cares about.. She respects his artistic talent and actually everyone does. Though he's not diligent for working on the tasks given at the school and he had nearly failed to graduate from the school... he couldn't make himself towards the things at the school, but after relating with her, he found that he wants to acquire more professional art training after graduation. 

For me, it's not a girl friend that opened my   potentiality that I have talented aspect... but the ones were truly there when I find that I got motivated and thought I was good at drawing, creating, and studying...the finders are usually my mom and my teachers...

Obviously, the feedback to youngsters are very important to find them more inspiring area among so many divergent areas, and  sometimes those feedback would direct where they go... I was so lost when I was a teenager and I couldn't reach the way to get out of such situations... but after getting into the university and touched the freedom to choose what I wanted to study, it felt like a heaven. Also, the people I met during true college life, inspired me a lot to find the things that I never thought of... I learned that meeting with much more sophisticated, intellectual and interesting, wistful people is the best thing that people can find the better way to live.... 

Acquiring skills such as  languages, manipulating office administrative software as, programming, professional knowledge, are much easier to start, however, meeting with the life changing events and people has huge importance if I think about how people can develop their frontiers...

Actually, my best life advisor is my wife and my son now.... my son tells me a lot... life is wonderful when I am feeling him... he just smiles when he feels joy... that's vey simple but genuinely honest and innocent... such straightforwardness is that  adults shouldn't forget... and tells me that seeing someone's happiness bring my happiness too... He also reminds me of patience to stay with even if there are sometimes pains or irritations about any crucial or trivial matters day after day....

As to my wife, she is not good at learning difficult stuffs except for music, though  she is really good at getting the highest scores when she takes exams.... her advices when I am facing difficult situation were quite eye-opening... she notices that I don't recognize... also, she is so smart and good footwork as long as I put some pressure on her... I learned priceless love towards our son when we are talking... I love my son but her love sometimes surpass very easily what I direct to him...

Anyway, i guess that this movie was produced for younger ages but it could be a trigger to let us think of importance of the life chaining meeting and tell true feeling to the one he/she loves before letting her/him go beyond his/her reach...




Monday, July 8, 2013 - Posted by Knz  at 12:06 AM




Sunday, July 7, 2013 - Posted by Knz  at 1:28 AM
1.スケール, 2.コードを身につけ、3.ジャズスタンダードを何曲も弾いて、スケール、コードに慣れるべし。コードがジャズだと複雑になるので、スケールが身についてないと、コード譜を正しく読めないので、お話にならないそう…ジャズハノンは有効だからやったほうがいいとのこと。スケールは弾いて見ると結構曖昧なところがあるのは否めないし、瞬時にどれがこのキーの何度みたいのが頭に浮かばない。妻曰く頻出コードはあるので、それを頭に入れとくのも有効とのことで、スケールは見たことないコードに出会ったときにすぐに該当する鍵盤に指を運べるか、という時に主に有効なんだろう、と理解。

Post 40代プランをぶちあげてみる。

Posted by Knz  at 1:18 AM

これまでと違うのは、もう、MBA受験や会計士受験といった、いわゆる仕事のための"お勉強"からは離れて、40歳までに音楽人としてやっていけるレベルにもっていく、というプチ目標を立てた点が異なる。今から7年くらいあるが、1年以内に理論のインプットは済ませ、2年以内にPro tools等、宅録スキル的には問題ないレベルまで持って行きつつ、3年以内にはジャズの演奏でもそこそこのレベルに持って行き、5年以内には総合力として確立したものに磨きあげておきたい。その頃には商業的にもある程度稼げており、7年以内には脱サラしたとしてもその年齢で到達しているであろう年収レベルを稼ぐ、音楽分野での何らかの方法を運用レベルに高めておきたい。必ずしも一人のクリエイターとしての成功には固執しないが、なるべくその線でいきたい。


Pro toolsをいじってるとある程度、Excel、Pptのスキルを高めた時のイメージを適用すると、そこそこのエンジニアリングレベルまでいけそう、と思うのと、作曲レベルはしこたま鍛えたので、後は理論を伴わせ引き出しをふんだんに増やし応用力をあげ、ネタ切れせんようにすれば、個人の音楽人としては電子音楽的にはokかと。著作権者としてロイヤルティー、販売収入で目標年収の半分は稼ぎたい。



こうなると真剣味が違うし、お勉強にあてていた時間を子育てしつつもジャズと音楽理論の習得に充てるので、身につけられるはず、と踏んでます。会計士とかMBA目指した時とあまり心境変わらないので、結構自分でも驚いてます… 仕事としてやる、みたいなモードでやるのが、怠け者の自分には一番身につきやすいみたいです…
