chihiro yananaka's live.

Saturday, July 27, 2013 - Posted by Knz  at 10:47 AM
I just bought a live ticket of chihiro yamanaka, the best jazz pianist for me...

As I saw not a quite professional jazz performance yesterday, I thought that the professional's one will surpass the experience I went through yesterday... 

for me, chihiro yamanaka's performance looks very sensitive but sometimes very aggressive though her recent performance seems more calm and conservative than that of several years ago... 

Since having seen akiko suwanai's performance a few years ago, I can't stay at home without seeing the genuine performance.... these days, I have watched chihiro yamanaka's performance on tv playing dvd, and I have listened to the finest performance by other players, I noticed that for me chihiro's one is the best of the best...

the quality of education through classical music at toho and jazz at barcley, on top of her adultery atmosphere get together to express the well-combined taste....

look forward to going there....

best regards,
