looked more professional???

Monday, May 27, 2013 - Posted by Knz  at 12:15 AM
today i went to Akihabara, to see toys for my son, while I wanted to convert
yodobashi.com points to the points that I can use at a physical shop too.

My son found that his favorite train, Yamanote line, and I bought it(of course, miniature version!!). He touched that train from the store to our home all the way...

On the other hand, I consulted with the seller about discounting "melodyne editor 2" and successfully agreed to discount to the bottom price I found on the web, while getting 10% of gold points, usable at Yodobashi.com or their physical stores.

During the shopping, I was seen as a professional musician though I don't know why, then I was suggested that I should go to the professional audio area where
I can find professional softwares/hardwares like the stuffs such as komplete 9 and pro tools.  

I usually go to Akihabara or Ikebukuro when I want to a larger discount that usual
stores in the other regions can't follow... Those 2 cities have lots of competition in the same area, so the market is more favorable for us, customers.

I need to get accustomed to utilizing melodyne, in addition to pro tools...
To be honest, now I can move on to the ideal environment that I have sought 
since last month. Then I just need to create my own tune with this fantastic 

best regards,


Ruby Sparks...

Sunday, May 26, 2013 - Posted by Knz  at 12:48 AM
Today, I watched the movie called "Ruby Sparks", directed by "

Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris", the directors who once directed the movie

called "Little Miss Sunshine", which I liked.


The story seems impossible, but it tells you that it's more impossible if you want
to control a human and whose character, what he/she does, what he/she thinks
with every details. It is true that to express such an important theme in this movie, the way taken was a little bit exaggerated, but it was truly effective to tell audience
how human thinks, behaves is undefinable... Also, that's why interacting with different people, loving a man/a woman is, without doubt, interesting and like an endless journey.

Before keeping on writing my immediate feeling on this movie, I'd like to share what I interpreted this movie, without depending on wikipedia or something like that.

The story is based on the fiction that one of the famous, successful writer, although its main character, the girl called "Ruby", became real while writing her in his novel. The writer's name is Calvin. One day during the daytime, he met her in reality... First of all, he couldn't believe that she really came into his sight, but it seems really happening, as his neighborhood admitted her existence at the cafe nearby. In short, the character in his novel became real. Honestly speaking, it's unbelievable. However, I must admit that that happening is fascinating if we see it as a result of his affinity against her, even though she's not real in his novel.

In the early part of this movie, the relationship between Calvin and Ruby went well. But as time goes by, after he stopped writing her in his novel, she gradually gained her authority to decide how she spend her time. She prefers not spending the whole time with Calvin, instead, she started to enjoy spending time with her classmates at art school and spending one day in a week at her apartment. Those changes frustrated Calvin and to control her behavior, he went back to his halfway finished novel and added to her details what he wanted her...

In reality, such an authority doesn't belong to anyone else except for herself, but in this story, Calvin had it. While tentatively such additional feature made him relieved from what bothers him, after bumping into unexpected results, her peculiar behavior, he was awaken that he can no longer control her... Then he wrote that "she was free", at the night when he realized that that egoistic approach wouldn't work anymore and then told her that he created her in his novel and that's why she couldn't take back her will to do different from what he wanted her.

She was gone after the next morning came, and he just cried, fell down with his deep sorrow...

That story was published as a formal novel afterwards and highly evaluated by the readers in public.

That's a rough summary of the movie.

I felt that it's stupid if someone thinks that someone can control the other/others, however, it would be more absurd if someone wouldn't realize that he/she can control the other/others and make mistakes in his/her interaction with the people surrounding him/her again and again. People can't be superior to someone else, instead, they would be better to interact with someone else if they respect his/her will, feeling, ways of thinking, and sensitivity... And it is integral to keep learning the things that he/she doesn't own by nature or via his/her past experiences, from the other/others... Then he/she will find a better way to relate or can interact with the people, without his/her egoism....

I remember that once I was too egoistic about the relationship with my ex-girl friend, I didn't think of how much respectful about her I was... I didn't listen to what she wanted to tell me... Even recently, before turing to my wife and my son, forgetting exams related to getting an Mba, I must admit that I was too egoistic to decide what they wanted. I still remember what my wife told me last year, that what she wanted is not lots of money though a super career, but the time with me and the time with me and my son. After throwing away my studying stuffs a few months ago, I'm still adjusting my life with them. But gradually I recognize that I found the best woman in my life, who is my wife, and with her, I have the child who brought me tremendous amount of happiness with his innocent smiles at me... I don't know anyone else that smiles at me in such a doubtless manner. I felt that he is my genuine angle in my heart and am very thankful these days to my wife and people supporting me to let me have such a wonderful child in my life......

The story described in this movie touched my heart...

I hope that this feeling will be in my music in the near future...

best regards,


melodyne editor.

Sunday, May 12, 2013 - Posted by Knz  at 10:48 AM





komplete 9 & Omnisphere.

Posted by Knz  at 12:51 AM


と、mac mini, pro tools, komplete9, omnisphere, に投じているお金の金額は半端ない





TOEFL, GMATを勉強してきて、MBAを見送ったとはいえ、仕事でもプライベート
TOEFL, GMATを学ぶ過程で身につけた英単語力はかなり汎用性がある。




Be prepared.

Sunday, May 5, 2013 - Posted by Knz  at 5:48 AM
ボーイスカウトに参加していた時代に死ぬほど叩き込まれる教えとして、be prepared、備えよ常に、という言葉がある。奇しくも前職で話す機会を得られたcontorollerからの教えとしてもbe preparedという点があった。彼はWhartonの学部後にモルスタ行って HBS出身、といかにも米国東海岸の人という印象が強い人ではあったが、西海岸のベンチャーキャピタルでの経験もあり、なんかハイブリッドな感じが不思議だったが、そんなことより今更ながらに強烈に頭に残っていたのは、earnings release前はとにかく死ぬほど死角が無くなるまで準備したものだ、という話。CFOがアナリストからの質問に的確に答えられなければ、株価は暴落し、多くの投資家に損失が生じる、という、blue chip銘柄には最悪のシチュエーションになるから、ということらしい。






