
Sunday, October 23, 2016 - Posted by Knz  at 12:59 AM

As the tasks of my responsibility got slow down( I don't need to open my pc this weekend!!), I saw a movie called Scicario, which raises awareness for fight for drug trafficking around the border between Mexico and the United States. 

Actually, it was quite good in its high quality story and the actors' performance on top of screen shooting. Also, the actual fight for the drug organization needs some illegal acts including gun shooting outside of FBI's jurisdiction, while the operation is led by CIA and the agent hired by another drug organization. I was surprised that CIA utilizes the similar unlawful agent if the end of the combat is for the same figure.

Last time the movie related with CIA's operation I saw was zero dark city, which was also very good. I don't have any particular political likes / dislikes, I often feel some respect for the professionalism of CIA or some other intelligence services. Analyzing the very difficult situation and devising tactics to achieve a mission require very highly sophisticated intelligence skills on top of the real operative skills like gun shooting and fighting. I thought such technical experts have saved so many lives so far while I understood that CIA has committed lots of unrespectavle deeds in the past history such as unlawful torture for the guys working for the targeted organization.

Anyway, I was satisfied with this movie and thought it's really a recommendable movie. Hope you will try it someday.

